11 January 2008

Rafting through Waller Creek, TX

I think I blogged about this issue previously, but seems like there is still some buzz with the locals and the whitewater park/route proposal. Some cities are in the process of adding whitewater rafting parks, with scores of acres dedicated to a fake river with rapids and descents. Waller Creek is still trying to do their own version of imitation whitewater rafting.

The proposal would take an already existing stretch of canal that runs through the city and turn it into a whitewater rafting run. The canal was originally propsed to take water from one end of a plain to the lake below, traveling straight through the city. River rafting was never in the original design intentions of the canal. If you read feedback on some of the news, you find quite a lot of different opinions on the matter. From the sounds of it, the canal, as it stand right now, is not a very pretty sight, and is poluted. I am not convinced this would be a good idea, but it would be minimal in construction, since the infrastucture is already in place. Could be worth a try?

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